Wink and Grow Rich Online, a SEO Perspective

There are thousands of online businesses making money, and even fewer online businesses creating wealth. The “difference” could be the reason why wealth seems to elude you no matter how hard you are working on making money.The irony is that if you are running after money, you may make some, and lose some. However, if you are focused on creating wealth, you will find that money will find its way to you, and what you build will keep growing in “value” with each passing day.Which way looks easier? You decide.If you are still reading, it means that you are interested in knowing about creating real lasting wealth, and are ready to explore the steps to creating wealth online.So here goes…1. Think it, Do it, Review itThis is a fundamental rule. If you are going to sit besides the lake, you will never learn to swim. If you want to learn to swim, you must jump in the water and find your way back to the shore.If you want to succeed in your online business, you have to create a plan, implement it, and then review what worked and what did not – and then repeat. Don’t sit on the fence with great ideas only to find that you waited too long to actually implement them, and someone else just made a cool million using the same idea.You need to identify the right SEO strategy for your online business, implement it and then review the results periodically. It’s surprising to see so many online business owners having no idea as to the strategies that are being used on their websites by SEO experts and why those strategies are needed. While there are no wrong SEO experts, there are SEO experts applying the wrong SEO strategies.2. What you see is what you getIf you don’t see it, then you can’t get it. Every great idea starts with a vision that is clear and focused. So if you can learn to see better, you will “get” better.If you want to succeed online, start with a vision that others can connect with and participate in. Invest your time in your vision till you have clarity about your focus and goals. You will have to learn how SEO works and invest your time in understanding the right SEO strategy for your business. If your SEO strategy lacks long term perspective and vision, it will probably fail to succeed.3. Choose the Level you want to play atThe next step is to choose the level of your communication. Do you want to exchange, connect, motivate or inspire your users? Is the quality of your product or service exceptional? Have you communicated this value to the users? Is your vision and message reflected in all your communication touch points with the users?If you want to succeed online, you have to know how to communicate with your users, engage them, and build their trust in your online business. If you are losing customers, it is because you are not communicating with them at the right level.Is your SEO strategy communicating your “vision” and “value” to your online customers, and then sharing that vision and value across diverse and relevant web, user and social communities?4. Ask and you shall receiveIt’s surprising how many people don’t ask for things they want. It’s probably because they feel they will be refused.If you want to succeed online, you have to learn to build a network of people who support you and your goals. You do this by being helpful to others in achieving their goals. But sometimes it’s as easy as asking someone to help you. You will be pleasantly shocked by the number of people who are ready to help someone with a good, clear vision and innovative ideas.You will have to learn how to ask, and how to reciprocate. If you have a vision, and you are focused on creating and sharing value, then it’s easier to ask someone for something you need. Is your SEO strategy innovative and can you ask someone to help you? How do you plan to help them back (And to clarify I am not taking about reciprocal and three way link building, which I prefer to stay away from).5. Invest more of your time, spend less of itIt’s easy to keep yourself busy all day with tasks, but to become wealthy you have to learn to identify which activities involve spending your time, and which ones are an investment of time. When you spend your time, you may get something, but build nothing worthwhile, but if you invest your time, the returns can carry on for a lifetime.If you want to succeed in an online business, learn to invest your time in activities that enhance self growth, health, investments, new learnings, creativity, your network; not just professional but also personal.For SEO, invest your time in high value activities that give long term returns. There are hundreds of web, user and social communities and you will have to choose the relevant ones you will participate in consistently.6. Invest more of your money, spend less of itDon’t spend your money on activities with short term focus. Invest your money in activities that will yield long and lasting results. Like most wise sayings, this one too is not followed. What you spend goes down the drain, but what you invest will keep growing bigger.If you want to succeed online, you will have to create a plan to invest your money wisely. There are various ways (SEO, SEM, PPC, Banners, Email Alerts, Newsletters, Videos, etc.) to spend your money online, but a few ways to invest your money wisely. Ensure your SEO strategy has a long term vision, and invest your money to turn that vision into a reality.7. Wealth is the beginning, not the endAll wealth starts with a great vision. If you put vision before money, you will never have lack of money, but if you put money before vision, you will always find yourself running after money, without managing to get a hold of it.If you want to succeed online, start by creating value and sharing that value. The real wealth starts way before the money starts to come in. If your SEO strategy is focused on value creation, participation and sharing principles then the results you seek will follow – the money will follow. Wealth is the journey itself, and not the destination.8. Sow, Nurture, ReapAsk a farmer about farming, and he will explain that one has to sow at the right time, nurture with patience, and then reap the benefits at the right time. Business is very much like farming.If you want to succeed online, you have to get in tune with your business/industry trends and cycles. Learn to sow at the right time (new products, services, new value), be patient and nurture your relationships/network, and be ready to reap the rewards. You cannot start with reaping the rewards without sowing and nurturing. Is your SEO and keyword strategy in tune with your business cycles? Are you nurturing your networks by providing value and participation? Are you reaping the benefits?9. Your passion is your compassIf you cannot wake up in the morning feeling excited about the day and work ahead, you are in the wrong business. Make passion your compass – wealthy people are often doing something they love doing, and have a natural flair for what they do.If you want to succeed online, do something you love doing. You will be amazed at the number of people who have made their niche businesses doing something that no one thought could make so much money. Could it be because they love their work? Either you find a SEO expert who loves his work, or find that love somewhere inside you.10. To know and not to do, is not to know it yetI know what I am doing. Then why are you not “doing” it yet! How often we wait on good ideas, new plans, waiting for the right circumstances, the right time? But if you plan to be wealthy, you will have to learn to create the right circumstances and the right time.If you want to succeed online, knowing something isn’t enough, unless you dive into it, test the waters, and review the results. At times, you may not enjoy the experience and things may not turn out the way you wanted them to, but still unless you do them, how would you know what works, and what does not?Be ready to experiment with SEO, what experts say works, may not work for you, and what experts say does not work, may work for you! Be prepared to fall, learn from your mistakes, and keep moving forward.11. Value is the river where wealth flowsThe key to wealth is to find the “value”. Unless there is visible value that you can show to your potential customers, there will be no visible wealth coming to you.If you want to succeed online, focus your energies on creating value, rather than running behind traffic/ rankings/ customers. If you are creating value and sharing that value each day, you are on your way to creating wealth.Is your SEO strategy “value” driven? If you are not creating value (content, videos, tools, surveys, case studies, resources, etc.), your SEO strategy stands a high chance of failing.12. Plan to failThe number of times you fail is not what’s important; it’s the one time you succeed that’s important in life. If you don’t plan to fail you will be disappointed and that will affect your work, but if you plan to fail, then you will be more careful with the risks you take.If you want to succeed online, then you have to learn to accept failure, more importantly learn from your failures. There are many stories of online entrepreneurs who failed at four to five online businesses before they succeeded. If you ask them, they will say that the failures laid the pathway to understanding success and creating wealth.13. Opportunities lie in every momentWake up and smell the coffee. There are opportunities that come your way each day – past, present and future. All you have to know is how to “see” them – if you learn to see better, you will get better.If you want to succeed online, you have to develop a keen sense for identifying opportunities. The online world if filled with opportunities for creating value, providing a service, selling a product, and making money. And it’s also filled with scammers, fly-by-night operators, and quick money schemes.An experienced SEO expert knows intuitively where the opportunities lie, and relies on hard statistical, analytical and forecast data before playing the next move.14. The key to leverage is how to use itOnce you discover leverage, you will be able to create “more” in the same amount of time. You do this by using the help of other people’s time and money. But the key to leverage is knowing how to use it without burning your resources/network out.If you want to succeed in an online business, be prepared to reach out to your network for help. Of course you also need to know how to convince your network to help you. If you don’t have a network, you should be building one right now. Your network can help you leverage your money. A good SEO expert has a solid professional and personal network and knows how to leverage the same.15. When you resonate, you accumulateWhen you find your vision and clarity, you find your wealth. When you find your wealth, you can focus on how to invest your time. When you invest your time, you create value. When you create value, your wealth begins to flow. When your wealth flows, you can use leverage. And when you leverage correctly, you begin to resonate.If you want to succeed online, you will have to create “attraction” – the right people, the best opportunities will come to you easily if you have created attraction. The attraction is the effect of creating unending value, driven by passion, and steered by clear vision. A good SEO expert knows how to create attraction and how to use attraction.16. You settle for your standardsThe life we create is not determined by the life we want to live tomorrow, but by the life we settle for today. We settle for our standards.If you want to succeed online, then don’t settle for less. Choose the right SEO strategy. Be consistent in creating value for your visitors and customers, and in sharing that value with diverse online communities. Be consistent in improving the quality of your products/ services. Be consistent in improving usability of website. Be consistent in monitoring results of your efforts periodically.Since SEO is a long process, it often takes a back burner in management meetings, and you are settling for less. Also watch out for SEO experts who are ready to settle for less.17. You are the result of your choicesOur choices make us! In life we often have to make a choice, and in selecting the right choice, lays the foundation stones of your success.If you want to succeed online, make your choices. Do you choose to be wealthy? Or do you choose to keep running after money? Do you choose to create value or do you choose to focus on numbers? Have you chosen the right SEO expert []? All these small decisions will pave your path to failure or success.18. The Zen GardenImagine your Zen garden. What do you want it to look like? If you don’t know what it looks like then you will possibility have a forest instead of a Zen garden. So your vision becomes the cornerstone of your success. The bigger the vision, the higher are the chances of it coming true.If you want to succeed online, see your garden, nurture your garden, and be ready to reap when the time is right. Neither Rome or your Garden will be built in a day; it’s the small steps of today that shape the future ahead